Sunday, July 31, 2011

Here comes August

Hello From Rockville 
Can you believe this It's August, where has the summer gone!!! We have had a very warm July the 5th warmest since record keeping going back to the 1800's.
A busy and fun filled week ahead, tomorrow I'll pack to spend two days in Crosslake, Tuesday and Wednesday.  My plans are to be in Crosslake by 8 AM on Tuesday to meet friends for breakfast, early afternoon coffee time with cousin Dorene then dinner with Myrna and friends.  Wednesday to church and YAHs, have lunch and head back home.  
Thursday noon is the monthly meeting of our Crosslake Care group and Thursday evening we have our monthly Birthday Party here. 
I have developed allergies like an ongoing COLD - sneezy, runny nose, watery eyes and the OTC helps a little but just doesn't last 24 hours like it says it should.  Hope this goes away soon.....Fran

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Very Nice Day

Hello From Rockville 
Yesterday I went to church then home to eat and to be joined by Rick and DeeAnn. We enjoyed time out on the patio.
Today started with Bible Study, Mary and I are studying Sarah and Abraham.  After that I went into St. Cloud for my mammogram and Dexascan and had lunch at Perkins and after filling my tummy I did a little grocery shopping at Aldi's then home and a little mending etc.  
It was a very uneventful day.........Fran

Friday, July 22, 2011

It's going to be warm again

Hello From Rockville 
I went into St. Cloud today and stopped at the VA then to the Park Dinner for lunch, I really like their biscuits and gravy and I topped that off with a large OJ.  With a full tummy I proceeded to Aldis  for a few groceries then home for a nap.  The nap felt good as some where along the way I picked up a cold and I hope it goes away quickly I feel achy and I sneeze a lot. 
I miss Harlan and my trips to the VA to spend time with him.
We'll see what tomorrow brings....Fran 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

An other day in our run of hot weather

Hello From Rockville
Tomorrow will be hot then it's suppose to cool down, it's so hot my flowers are wilted even when I water them.  
I had several projects to do today, meat to repackage and freeze and Becky had asked me to cover the arm rests in Walt's car, she gave me one for a pattern and when ever she wants them  they are ready.  
Tomorrow I have several appointments, a hair cut and then to Stearns county after that I'll meet Denese and Megan for lunch, with a full tummy I'll head home then in the afternoon I'll meet Denese and we'll head to the Cities and Cosco for some shopping.
That's it for now....Fran  

Monday, July 18, 2011


Hello From Rockville
It is hot, I keep telling myself it will get COLD come winter and we'll wish for warmth. 
When DVBS ended on Thursday the offering given by the boys and girls was even, boys won two nights and the girls won two nights but for their program on Sunday the boys won, this contest was by weight not amount so pennies had more weight value then paper money.
I am doing well I keep busy and out of mischief.  I had a dentist appointment on Friday with good results and will go back in January for my 6month check.
We have had so much rain that one corner of our property here has standing water caused by run-off from out of town, wish we could share the rain with Texas.
Not much to write about will update again soon......Fran 

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Hello From Rockville
It's a good day to stay in and look out but I know that is impossible for many of you and today I had to go out too.  About a year ago I made an appointment for an eye check and this was the day.  The Dr. put drops in to dilate my eyes and a cloudy day was really a blessing (the rain wasn't) and I was able to get home just fine, it seems that the older I get the more sensitive my eyes get to the light when my eyes are dilated.  I got a very good report, I'll return again next year.
Yesterday I ran errands in St Cloud, the bank, the fabric store and the funeral home, topped off with lunch with Pat and Ken, so good to see them the time spent chatting and chewing was wonderful.  As everyone knows I love socialising so every chance I get I go.
As a followup on my ER trip, I feel great and glad it's behind me.
Tomorrow I have my 6 month dental check I want to keep my teeth as long as I live so I guess the price for that is good dental care.
We have DVBS at church this week and there is an adult class which Mary Lou and I are attending we take turns driving, this it Thursday and the last day for it.  Kids are bused in for it and it is a really fun evening from 7:00  to 9:00.  There is a contest going on between the boys and girls to see which ones can bring the most money, amount does not count just the weight, there are a lot of pennies given, I think the boys won two nights and the girls only once, we'll try and change that tonight.
Last night just before leaving for DVBS, Denese and I are in the living room relaxing and some one unlocks the door, not good when you don't expect anyone, how fun Sarah and DeeAnn walked in it was so much fun to see them, I think they had been playing "tag" with me and had been here several times during the day even leaving food in the fridge, but with the activities I had going I was just not home when they stopped.
I'll let you know how the contest goes........Fran

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Rockfest Days

The day is done and a sort of calm has settled over us.  But first I must tell you about yesterday.  I didn't feel good just kind of "blaa".   By 6/6:30 Denese asked me if I wanted to go to ER and I decided that is what I should do, we took off about 7:00 PM.  To make a long story short we left there about 11:30 picked up a prescription and was home by 12:30.  I was having a bout with Diverticulitis an antibiotic should take care if.
Today was Rockfest Days, every town in US has a celebration uniquely their own.  And Rockvill's is called Rockfest.  Very near here was a "food court" with all kinds of fast food, hot dogs, sandwiches and drinks.  We picked up food then brought it home to eat.  I more or less took it easy (Dr. orders) all day, slept in until 8:45 this morning.  At 6:00 the parade started, Randy and Mary joined me in chairs under the tree in the front yard, lots of fire trucks and farmers tractors all clean freshly painted (they didn't look like they had seen a day of work in a dusty field).  Candy is thrown from every vehicle that drove down the street and the kids scramble for it carrying LARGE plastic bags, I think there were a few adults in the scrambling bunch.
At 10:00PM the fire works went off and again I can watch them from my patio and it would have been fun but the mosquitoes would not let us enjoy them, nasty critters! 
I think the whole thing ends with a street dance in down town Rockville which I'll miss, too far beyond my bed time and I don't dance.
That is what has happened here and now for an uninterrupted night of sleep.....Fran

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

An afternoon at the VA

Another beautiful day!!!
I went to the VA and spent an hour with the VA Support group then I went up to 50-1, Harlan's home for three years.  Everyone greeted me so warmly it was good to see them.  After a long visit Bev joined me for a treat, her "Porky" is on that floor and I got to know her when I spent time with Harlan.
We went to the Park Dinner, I had an Orange Float and she enjoyed a malt and she tried the sliders, not realizing there were two in a "set" she gave one to me, they are still as good as when we went, I had a good day, it was a little hard going back to Harlan's floor but it went well.
Tomorrow is another day we'll see how that goes......Fran

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

An Other Beautiful Day

We had a beautiful week-end and the weather continues.  We had a rain shower this morning and the temps were in the 80's.
I had a Dr. appointment and again I had to leave blood OUCH!, I just don't give it easily. After all that I needed nourishment so had breakfast out.  I should get a good report as I feel so good.  I have been having a sore throat that comes and goes the Dr suspected it may be allergies and suggested something over the counter which I'll do if it becomes bothersome. 
Becky called she wanted to come up, she spent time here we had a light supper then she went back home.
We'll see what tomorrow brings....Fran

Monday, July 4, 2011


Hello From Rockville
We had a beautiful day, a great day to be THANKFUL for our freedom to do what ever we want to.
Saturday Denese and I headed down to Roseville to spend time at Jenny's so they could take a mini vacation and we could enjoy time with the little ones.  Sunday I joined Doris and Bob for lunch we chatted and ate and had a great time it was so good to see them. 
This coming week will be busy tomorrow an appointment at 9:00 in Cold Spring on Wednesday I plan on a joining the support group for memory loss at the VA and on Friday an appointment at Stearns County about Harlan's disability.
I am doing well I keep busy and I cherish all your prayers and support...........Fran