Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hello From Rockville
What a beautiful day!!! The grass is putting on a fresh green dress for Easter and even some of the buds on the trees are starting to grow, it's a beautiful time of the year.
I did not write on yesterday's blog so will combine two days into one.
The nice day yesterday inspired me to clean the winter dirt and leaves off of my patio. I gave the patio chairs and table a bath and because they had been out side under snow and lots of it they were in need of a soap and water cleaning, the patio got a hosing off.
Yesterday I did a little shopping and we went to Culver's for the flavor of the day, just too sweet for my taste as it contained marshmallows, I won't make that mistake again.
Today I gassed up the van then took Harlan to Perkins for his treat, he decided to have a breakfast and the cook made a mistake and doubled his meal, way too much so I cancelled his supper. He did a good job eating most of it but I know he was really full!
After watching Jeopardy I went home.
Harlan just called and said everyone was gone and he didn't know where so I reminded him it was supper time and he agreed he was much too full to eat so he'd just stay in his room and watch TV.
Tomorrow should still be nice but we do have rain in the forecast along with a cool down.
So until tomorrow Good Night.....Fran

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello From Rockville
I washed clothes before going in to see Harlan. When I got there I was told he had had his bath which was not due until tomorrow, but got himself ready so they gave him one today. When I went to his room he told me he was a day ahead of bath day as he'd had it today and will not get one tomorrow. He seemed tired so we did not go any where just took it easy and rested.
Tonight I worked on a banner for our birthday party on Thursday we have three birthdays for April and an anniversary I think cake is planned for the party.
Today was a good day but quiet..........Fran

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Today, Sunday we went to church, a nice sunny day but cool. We will be having some beautiful weather later this week.
Do you have Easter plans? DeeAnn texted me telling me she will have Easter dinner, I haven't gotten back to her so am not sure how everything will work out, I always look forward to a family gathering.
After church we went to Culver's for lunch then Harlan wanted to go to Rockville, he wanted to see the place, after much talking about going and how hard it is for him to go back he said he would be fine to go back and he was, so this went well. He asked about the scars he has on his belly and wanted to know what they came from. We did a lot of talking about his hospital stays, he wanted to know how many times he had been in the hospital and I told him 4, one in Brainerd, one in Phoenix and two in St. Cloud, he said he didn't remember any of them he also wanted to know how long each one was, we talked about the falls he had taken and the one that led up to the month stay at St. Cloud and how he had had brain surgery to relieve the pressure on his brain and while he was there how he had had a feeding tube put in which caused the scars on his belly. It was very interesting day and it will be interesting to see if he remembers anything about today's conversation tomorrow.
Today was a good day in spite of the fact I was so apprehensive about taking him back to Rockville and it went so well..........Fran

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Today I went in early to see Harlan and when I got in Kari told me Harlan's new glasses were in, he needed someone to take him in for a fitting so we went and had that done. Meanwhile I received a phone call asking me if my van would be available to take take part of our YAH's group to to Mpls to ride the Northstar Commuter Rail up to Big Lake. A driver was provided so I did not have to drive and besides we had to be picked up at the end of our trip. The van needed a good washing and vacuuming which I did with Harlan's help and had it ready in time for our trip. Harlan was really tired after his workout, glasses fitting and van cleaning and he still has his bath to go through, I talked to him later and he made it through everything.
Last night after I started this blog I had several phone calls and went to bed without finishing it so here goes the end.
We had lunch in Monticello at Culvers before heading to Mpls. We took the the Northstar from Target Field to Big Lake, it was a nice smooth ride with several stops to let riders off as this trip consisted of commuters going home after work. I sat on the top level and could really see out. As with all trains they travel through the poorest part of town as it seems when a train route goes through a town the property value goes down and the area is rather run down. All the stops in the towns were very nice with shelters and a safe way to get to their transportation home. When the train goes back it never turns around but has a small area where the the "driver" controls the train engine from the back and it is really traveling backwards but in a very safe manor. When we got off of the train there was a bus waiting to take people to St. Cloud therefore we would not have had to make arrangements for the extra transportation we did.
It was a fun day and Harlan did very well even if my time with him was in the morning today should be back to normal.............Fran

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hello From Rockville
I think winter is back, it was soooo cold today!!!! I guess by next week we'll have temps in the mid sixties, that will be nice.
I spent time with Harlan and we had our treat at Pizza Ranch and as usual it was good.
Tomorrow I'll spend time with him in the morning as YAH's at church has an afternoon activity which should be fun and we leave church at 1:00 and don't get back until around 7:00 too long a day to take Harlan along. We are going to ride The Northstar Commuter Rail the cost is $1.75 for seniors and should be fun.
Tomorrow I'll let you know how the ride went so until tomorrow good night......Fran

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Today was a busy day but a good one. I got the oil and grease job done on the van and there was a burned out bulb that needed to be replaced so that was done too. I took Harlan to Sam's with me and did a little shopping, what I needed there came in such large quantities I didn't get much and will go Cash Wise tomorrow and pick up a few things.
Our cold water is too salty to drink as all our water is softened so I have been picking up bottled water but I get it by the gallon which is cheaper then to buy a case of smaller bottles and I can fill a smaller bottle to take with me. I have a container in the fridge for drinking this works well for me. Others here have complained about the salty water so I may have to bring that up at the next board meeting and see if we can do something about it.
Today was a good day.......Fran

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello From Rockville
A fun day today, Mark and Betty came to spend time with Harlan and I. We had lunch here, I made a chicken on my rotisserie and also a loaf of bread in my bread maker. Our lunch consisted baked potato, chicken, fresh bread and broccoli with cheese for our baked potato this was topped off with do-it-yourself sundaes and cookies. We played some five hundred then went in to see Harlan and took him to Perkins where he had a breakfast meal (I cancelled his supper before we left the VA), it was just a fun day, I always enjoy visiting with them. They come twice a year once in the spring and once in the fall. I stayed with Harlan until after 6 as we didn't get in to see him as early as I usually do.
Tomorrow my day will be a full day, first wash day then I get my house cleaned and Mary and I meet for Bible study and I have an appointment for an oil change for the van, but I like being busy so it will be a good day.
I think spring has arrived, I don't mean by the calendar but the snow is gone except for some piles from clearing the parking lots and I even see a bit of green grass. Everyone take care and enjoy the weather..........Fran

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hello From Rockville
I spent the afternoon with Harlan. I needed thread as I'm putting lining in the guest bedroom curtains, this will make the room darker and more private for guests. After getting the proper colored thread then we went on to Walmart as I needed new brushes for my electric tooth brush. We then checked out the "new" Cash Wise that opened where Cub used to be. While we were in there trying to find stuff I needed Harlan commented, "I remember when I was little and grocery stores had only one isle and you didn't have to walk so far looking for what you needed," he certainly was right, the isles are long and there are so many.
Our treat today was a stop at McD, he had coffee and a hot fudge sundae and I had a happy meal, then back to the VA for his meds and we watched Jeopardy and I came home, it was a very good day.......Fran

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Harlan and I went to church then to Culver's for lunch. We spent the afternoon at the VA laying around, taking a nap and watching TV. We watched cheer leading and Pom Pom completion, U of M came in first in the Pom Pom competition.
Tomorrow I'll try and get the van in for grease and oil change, and we'll do a little shopping, I think the day will be busy.
Today was a good day I enjoyed my time with Harlan.......Fran

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hello From Rockville
The last two days have been quiet with not much to write about and I guess if I think it's boring it's probably boring to you readers too.
The Saulk River has gone down some and Anton's never had to close, also today when I went past the park the water had receded enough so the play ground equipment could be used. Now if the Red River and all the other rivers do the same thing that will be great.
Harlan played bingo today and did really well and after bingo we went to McD for a coffee treat, he had coffee and I had a Happy Meal. I got a "toy" with my meal and I haven't the slightest idea what I got.
Tomorrow is church and Harlan always worries about so much about it, if I'll bring him his clothes and what he should do, every week it is the same thing and I can't seem to reassure him it will be okay.
Today was a good day day and tomorrow will be good too...............Fran

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Not a lot of excitement today, rather quiet.
I went to see Harlan and we took a drive around to see the flooding in the area. Anton's has a lot of river lapping at it's door. They had a cute notice out side, "Immediate seating no wading". We also drove around the back of the VA and the river is moving right along, we didn't see any ice floating which is good. After the river tour we went to Perkins for our treat then back to the VA for some rest and visit. Oh! Yes, we both left Perkins with a chocolate chip cookie.
Tonight was our monthly pot luck social, I brought ice cream and cookies. Following our social we had a garage sale meeting and discussed the garage sale a little but did talk about a lot of things, there were 5 of us ladies so we had a lot to talk about.
That was my day and it was a good one....Fran

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello From Rockville
The weather has gotten a little cooler but with the sun shine it was a great day, and much above average.
My heart goes out to the folks that are trying to stay ahead of the rising rivers to save their homes. The Saulk River is rising here in St. Cloud/Waite Park, I drive by it when I go to the VA and today it would have been impossible for children to play on the play ground, slides etc. also the picnic tables were partly under water. Antons, one of my favorite restaurants appears to have some sand bags to protect it, last year it flooded and was not in service for several weeks.
Harlan and I went to The Pizza Ranch for our favorite snack a small pizza, we hadn't been there for a while so it was a great treat. After the pizza I stopped at the grocery store, I needed something for our social pot-luck tomorrow evening. I picked up ice cream and will supply toppings for sundaes, it went over well at the birthday party so it should do okay tomorrow too.
Harlan is having problems swallowing some of his pills and we don't know what to do as one is time release and can't be crushed.
We had a good time and I look forward to seeing Harlan tomorrow.....Fran

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Today I saw my Dr., a follow-up of my hospital stay. My lungs looked and sounded good, no fluid, I can discontinue the water pill, but I have no answer to what caused my problem. He said I'm boarder line diabetic, just to cut back on sweets and I don't think it too unusual for some one my age to be in that category, I feel great!!!
After my Dr. visit I met Harold & Marilyn and Ed for lunch then Rick joined us after his visit with Harlan. We had a good lunch and good time at Red River Inn.
After eating and visiting I headed in to see Harlan. He went with me to get the van fuel up then washed it and to Perkins for a treat, he had pie w/ice cream and I had a chocolate chip cookie, we got back in time for his meds and his neb, we watched Jeopardy together and I came home.
Today was a good day..........Fran

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello From Rockville
I'm glad we only have to adjust to different times twice a year, spring and fall. I had a hair cut secluded for 8:00 this morning and got there just in time, but being on time was a good start of the day.
I bought a counter top rotisserie and used it for the first time today, I love it. I made a chicken on it and shared about half of it with Mel and Rale, I did not season it in any way and it was very tasty. Tonight I made a sandwich and I put a little mayo on it and really enjoyed it. I think I may have to cut back on salt (I'm not a big salt eater) and this may be a good way. While in the hospital I was on a salt free diet and I found very little I could eat much less enjoy, I hope cutting back will be the answer. I know I'd rather eat raw potatoes and a lot of other veggies raw then cooked with no salt. I was given Mrs. Dash I could not see that that helped at all. Maybe I'm just too fussy in my old age.
I spent time with Harlan, I took him back for a check on his glasses and they will get him new lenses. I also took him to the canteen for ice cream and pushed him in the wheel chair both places by the end of the trip I was a bit tired but I think I'm back to what I was before my hospital "vacation". After the above we went and did a little shopping, then back to the VA and his meds and the neb machine. I stayed until Jeopardy was done and came home.
I went through Harlan's night stand and found his coin purse, I don't think I'll pursue getting another one. Becky went on line and found where they can be purchased but at this time I think I'll not go that way either. Thanks Becky for checking, at least I know where to get them if I need to. When his billfold needs replacing we can get one with a coin purse attached.
Tomorrow I have a follow up with my Dr. and will see what I must do to stay healthy. I fill you in then so Good Night....Fran

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hello From Rockville
This is Sunday and Harlan and I went to church. After church we had lunch at IHOP. I am trying to cut back on salt in my diet and it is difficult as everything has so much salt in it especially when we go out to eat and I'd rather try and cut back then have to go with out any salt.
Harlan has lost his coin purse and he likes to carry one in his pocket, our project today was to buy one, we found out there was none to be found. Our first stop was Walmart then to Walgreens from there to Shopko and finally to K-mart, they just don't make them any more. Harlan likes to carry a billfold, comb and coin purse, each one has a special pocket and he feels like he is missing something when one pocket is empty. He has tried putting coins in his billfold by the bills and they just don't stay there. I may get him a new billfold with a coin pocket in it.
We had a good day, he even called me commenting on the good day he had, we hope tomorrow is as good.
So until tomorrow good night......Fran

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hello From Rockville
I did not feel as good today as I felt yesterday, I called my Dr. and he added another drug to my diet, a water pill and I do feel better this evening. I'll see my Dr. on Tuesday.
Rick came and picked me up, we picked Harlan up and went to the mall, DeeAnn and Sarah were shopping there, most of the time I was there I was looking for a bathroom or just sitting but it was good to be in different surroundings. Rick took us back to the VA around four and I was ready for some rest time and Harlan needed his meds and neb. Harlan had gotten his new glasses but they put his trifocals too high so they have to be redone, we'll check into that next week.
Harlan was so funny when he saw Sarah he knew who she was (not by name) and commented on her hair, he said it was dirty and she should wash it, she had just had it dyed and it was DARK, a bit darker then looks good on her, she is a natural blond and there are so few of them around she needs to shine as a blond.
Today was a good day..........Fran

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Another rainy day and a little bit less snow with some green showing. I spent the afternoon with Harlan, took him out for a treat at Perkins. They are refinishing the floors in his building, removing old wax and putting on a new wax finish to be buffed later. It's hard for Harlan as he is not sure where he should walk. When I came I had to wait in the elevator until the wax was dry, by the time we went for our treat they were done with today's job.
One of the staff told me she has hit on an idea to get Harlan to come out to eat his meals, she goes to his room and tells him there is something she has to show him at the desk and he comes out with her and discovers that his meal is there and tells her he has to eat and forgets about what ever she was going to show him, this has worked for her for several days, she wants him to eat at least two meals daily. There are some there that are looking for their next meal just after finishing one, not Harlan he'd rather sleep.
I had a wonderful surprise when I got home, on the bench out side my door was a container with a note on top - Hot Soup. Rale next door had put it there and it was perfect temperature for eating and very good.
Today was a good day.............Fran

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello From Rockville
It's so good to have my place clean, today was cleaning day. Because I did not feel good most of last week my place really needed a good cleaning it has been so neglected!
I spent the afternoon with Harlan, they had a birthday party to celebrate all of the March birthdays and served cake, ice cream and coffee or lemon aid. It was a rainy day so I did not take Harlan out and after the cake and ice cream we really didn't need a treat, tomorrow will be different, he'll need a bit of get-away time so we'll do something, hope it's not too rainy. It is nice to see the snow melt and there is even some green under the snow, spring is just around the corner.
So until tomorrow Good night......Fran

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hello From Rockville
I have not written for several days because of a "bump" in the road. Early Sunday morning I was having some problems with breathing and chest discomfort, and ended up in ER. I called Denese and she brought me in. I spent two nights and when I left they were not sure what had caused my problem but I was put on a strong antibiotic as they felt I had an infection. I had no fever which doesn't make sense if I had an infection it was also thought I had congestive Heart failure but that was ruled out too. I am home but feel "washed out" and will see my Dr. next Monday and he may have some answers or I may never know.
I missed several days away from Harlan and it is hard for him to comprehend what was going on I felt it was better that he did not know that I was in the hospital while I was there, I did tell him today. His concern was that I was okay now and don't have to go back. He was so glad to see me and we just spent some quiet time together, I'll try and spend more time with him tomorrow.
Until tommow Good Night......Fran

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Yesterday I did not go in to see Harlan. It was the first Thursday of the month and the former Crosslake Care group get together. We are friends that have moved away from Crosslake and now reside in the Twin Cities and St. Cloud area. Yesterday we met at The Old Country Buffet then to Loren and Pats for our meeting. It was good day and Harlan was okay with the day, he didn't seem to mind that I was not there. Yesterday was our monthly Birthday Party here, I had signed up to host it. I had picked up ice cream and varies things for each one to make their own sundaes.
Today was the memory loss support group meeting at the VA which is always good. The people getting together change each time but there is always the same core group, with new faces. We meet from 1:00 to 2:00 the first and third Friday of each month. I went in and spent about three hours with Harlan after tjhe meeting, we went to Culver's, I had a sandwich and Harlan had a sundae. He did not say anything about yesterday and I find it much better if I do not bring things like that up.
The past two days were busy but good days and I'll spend time with Harlan tomorrow..........Fran

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hello From Rockville
I was at the VA early today as Harlan had an 8:30 eye Dr. appointment. They put drops in his eyes and when that was done his vision became blurry. Harlan had a comment on that, "When I came in I could see just fine but now I can't, I'm not coming back here!" The day went well, I did some shopping, we ate lunch out and gassed the van up. I left the VA at 2:00 and Harlan was upset when I left, anything that is not the usual routine upsets his day, he thought he should come home with me to unload the van and help me carry stuff in. What he really wanted was for me to stay with him until the usual time, 5:00, I bought ice cream and had to get that home. I feel bad when I leave and he is upset. When I called him to remind him that it was supper time he hung up on me, I know tomorrow will be better.
So until tomorrow good night.....Fran

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hello From Rockville
This morning Mary and I had our weekly Bible study and when we were just talking Diane called and wanted a one line "commentary" about how we liked living here. She is making a new ad for John Clark and she wants to use pictures of us etc. in her new ad.
I had to run down to Cold Spring on an errand. I just had to stop at the purse store and check things out, while I was looking around and talking the "Lady-in-charge" asked me if I wanted a job, they must be desperate for help, that would be a fun place to work if only I had time.
I went in to spend time with Harlan and they had bingo, with a little encouragement he did play and managed to find all the numbers called and even recognized when he had bingo.
After bingo Harlan and I went grocery shopping and picked up fruit and some juice for drinking. From there we went to the Pizza Ranch for our daily treat and back to the VA.
Tomorrow Harlan has an eye check appointment, an early one at 8:30, I'll take him and I'll try and be there by 8:00, he will have an early breakfast and I think we'll do lunch. I'll try and leave there mid afternoon instead of my usual time, 5:00.
Today was good and I'll update you tomorrow.........Fran

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello From Rockville
I was later then usual getting in to see Harlan today do to an early afternoon appointment. I stopped at McD for coffee and treat which we both enjoyed. Harlan was not feeling good today, it seems he may be getting a cold, he skipped his breakfast and lunch but told me he went to supper when I talked to him about 6:30.
A very quiet day today and that was good because Saturday and Sunday were busy days so until tomorrow - Good Night......Fran