Monday, June 22, 2009

Hello From Rockville
I did not write on Sunday and I will explain. I took Harlan to church on Sunday and back to the VA instead of taking him out for lunch I picked up a burger at MacDonald's and joined him at the VA. I had not been feeling good since about Wednesday and Sunday was not a good day. Because I was experiencing stomach cramps and had a fever Denese came up Sunday about 8:00 P.M. and took me into ER. When tests were run and all that goes with diagnosing it was determined that I have Diverticulitis. I now know how a pin cushion feels. I am always a challenge when they need to get into a vein. They had to stick me some where from 8 to 10 times to draw blood and put an IV into me, it took four nurses to complete the job and only after they decided that they could "get by" with a smaller needle then they would normally use which then made a problem with the antibiotics, that had to be driped in slower making my stay in ER much longer. I was home by 3:30 A.M. and Denese got home an hour later as she had to drive to Dayton. So much for Father's Day, I hope your Father's day celebration was more fun and less eventfull.
Now to todays activities. I had a pleasant surprise this morning, I got a call from Granddaughter Kelsey. She just got back from South Africa where she had been going to school, it was so good talking to her.
The afternoon was spent with Harlan, out for pie and coffee at Perkins and a shave from me, then it was time for me to head home and Harlan to go to supper.
will talk again soon....Fran


  1. I hope you get a good nights sleep.
    We are all so happy to have Kelsey home.

  2. Mom so glad you are feeling much better. Wow two years in a row excitement on fathers day with medical issues. I just spoke with Kelsey she sounded great.
