Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hello From Rockville
Rick and DeeAnn came up today and two things were accomplished, DeeAnn went with me to get my chair from Slumberland that I had ordered a while ago and I love it and Rick put shelves in my laundry area and now everything has a place and doesn't have to sit on the floor. I think he had a hard time putting them in as there was very limited space next to the washer and dryer, but he managed to do it and I know I'm going to love having an orderly place for everything. Before all the above the four of us joined Wes and Sarah at Granite Edge for lunch.
I went in to spend time with Harlan and Rick and DeeAnn joined us at the Pizza Ranch so they could spend time with him too. While we were enjoying our time together Harlan looked at Rick and says, "Will I see you in church tomorrow?" Rick and Sarah surprised us one Sunday several months ago and I guess Harlan remembered that and would have liked to have that happen again.
I had to leave the VA earlier then I usually do as we were having a pot luck here and we were supposed to eat by 5, I was late, got there about 5:30 but there was plenty of food left and because I'd had a piece of pizza earlier I really wasn't hungry and a helping of lasagna was enough with a little dessert.
Harlan was not upset that I had to leave early as I have talked to him several times and he didn't sound stressed out. Saturday evening he always calls wanting to know what he should do about tomorrow, he is never quite sure what his role is in getting ready for church.
There will have to be some adjustment on when I leave the VA because I don't handle driving after dark very well so I'll need to leave there before 4:30. I think the antidepressant is really helping him and I'm so thankful for that.
I see Harlan's pictures are still up as Service Man of the month, they have been up since August, (a long month) I keep telling him he must be important for his pictures to be up for so long.
Today was busy but a good day. Tomorrow will be a more relaxing day with Harlan and we'll enjoy more quiet time together. Love to all..........Fran

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