Friday, November 27, 2009

Hello From Rockville
It's BLACK FRIDAY and the stores are packed, how do I know? Harlan and I went to Fleet Farm to fill the car, hardly anyone at the pumps but the parking lot was packed and it was a zoo! I'm glad I wasn't shopping there. We had a treat at Perkins and they were literally empty so everyone must be shopping and not eating.
When we went back to the VA, just as we were entering the grounds Harlan says, "I'm not going to say it!" I didn't say anything but was wondering what he meant, I guess he knew I was confused so he explains by saying "I'm not saying what that sign says!" Then I knew what he was talking about, every time we drive in and when he sees the 25 mile speed limit sign he always says, "Two Bits" and my response is "You always say that". So today he didn't. We had a good laugh over that and wondered where the "two bits" came from referring to the number 25. Maybe some one can fill me in on that. At times I marvel at what he does remember and it is current stuff, he never talks about what has happened in the past, he just doesn't remember. These little things are what gives me joy when I'm with him and they make precious memories.
Becky, Walt and family will come up tomorrow to see us, Harlan always enjoys seeing the family and we'll go somewhere and enjoy a fun time together.

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