Monday, December 14, 2009

Hello From Rockville
I had an appointment for a blood draw this morning but I had some symptoms of a bladder infection, as long as I was going in for medical reasons I had that checked out too and sure enough I've now added an antibiotic to my daily pill routine, a 10 day stint. I had to wait for my meds so had lunch in Cold Spring while I waited, then home and in to see Harlan.
This morning when I called and reminded Harlan to go for breakfast his voice sounded like he was getting a cold and it didn't sound much better at noon. I picked up coffee at McD on the way in to see him because if he was getting a cold I was not about to take him out, it is so cold. We had out coffee together with cookies I had brought in to him then took a nap and guess what, we both slept, not a lot as our snoring interrupted each others sleep. After all that napping it was time for me to head home, he didn't even walk me to the elevator so I know he is just not feeling okay. When I checked on him later I found out he did not eat dinner but ate a good supper. I'll see how it goes for him tomorrow.
As Red Skeleton used to say, "Good Night and God Bless" each and everyone.....Fran

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