Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Today was a little on the busy side, we had our board meeting at 10:00 this morning then I had had a dental appointment at 1:50 in Cold Spring. After the appointment I went directly to St. Cloud to see Harlan, he was waiting for me and in a very upbeat mood. He was little concerned because they taken his blanket to wash and his concern was he wouldn't get it back. When I talked to him at supper time (I called to make sure he went to supper) he had gotten it back and he said it looked good. He did not think it needed to be washed but I don't think it had ever been washed so I'm sure the wash was needed as he sleeps on top of it with his clothes on.
They were very noisy with the building going on in the basement and today Harlan noticed the noise but did not complain nor get upset about it, no tears, I'm so glad.
As I was later in getting in to see him (the dentist appointment delayed me) we did not go for a treat just sat and talked and did a little TV watching and I was home a bit after 5:00. We had a good day and he seemed better then he has been in several weeks. So until tomorrow, good night.....Fran


  1. Did they change anything after he saw the Doctor on Monday?

  2. His antidepressant was increased, because of his age and he is not a BIG person they had to do a small increase and we hope it will be the answer. He was really good yeaterday.
