Friday, March 26, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Today I went in early to see Harlan and when I got in Kari told me Harlan's new glasses were in, he needed someone to take him in for a fitting so we went and had that done. Meanwhile I received a phone call asking me if my van would be available to take take part of our YAH's group to to Mpls to ride the Northstar Commuter Rail up to Big Lake. A driver was provided so I did not have to drive and besides we had to be picked up at the end of our trip. The van needed a good washing and vacuuming which I did with Harlan's help and had it ready in time for our trip. Harlan was really tired after his workout, glasses fitting and van cleaning and he still has his bath to go through, I talked to him later and he made it through everything.
Last night after I started this blog I had several phone calls and went to bed without finishing it so here goes the end.
We had lunch in Monticello at Culvers before heading to Mpls. We took the the Northstar from Target Field to Big Lake, it was a nice smooth ride with several stops to let riders off as this trip consisted of commuters going home after work. I sat on the top level and could really see out. As with all trains they travel through the poorest part of town as it seems when a train route goes through a town the property value goes down and the area is rather run down. All the stops in the towns were very nice with shelters and a safe way to get to their transportation home. When the train goes back it never turns around but has a small area where the the "driver" controls the train engine from the back and it is really traveling backwards but in a very safe manor. When we got off of the train there was a bus waiting to take people to St. Cloud therefore we would not have had to make arrangements for the extra transportation we did.
It was a fun day and Harlan did very well even if my time with him was in the morning today should be back to normal.............Fran

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