Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hello From Rockville
My wake-up call came when Harlan called me and it was after 7:00 AM, later then I like it to be when I get up on Sunday morning. We got to Church in plenty of time as I always allow more time then I need for Harlan to get ready without rushing him.
We had lunch at The Park Dinner, they do not have a senior menu (they give a 10% discount to seniors) but they should have as we got way too much food to eat and of course we both have been taught from "little" on to clean our plates especially if we wanted dessert, we cleaned our plates but then there was no room for dessert. Harlan ordered a breakfast consisting of two large eggs, two huge pancakes and two generous sized pork patties, I had a beef sandwich loaded with cheese and mushrooms plus peppers and onions. When we got back to the VA we were invited to the dinning room as they were serving ice cream sundaes or root beer floats. After all that food it was time for a nap which I did while The Twins lost.
Today was a good day even if Harlan protested when his meds were brought to him, he took the pills but only spent a short time on the neb machine, if he calls and complains about not being able to breathe I'll suggest that he try the neb and use up what he should have earlier...........Fran

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