I slept in this morning. I woke up around 7:30 giving me an hour before I went to shampoo and set Rale's hair. I had been awake earlier around 5:30 and couldn't sleep so I did my devotions and Bible reading at that time then went back to sleep.
We had a much needed rain shower about a quarter of an inch, at least I didn't have to water my plants.
I had a surprise phone call from Colorado, it was so good to talk to Bernie and Fran, things are going well for them.
I went in early to see Harlan and we went for our treat when I got there. They have Bingo at 3:00 on Saturday's, it is the only thing Harlan will do and it's only because I go with him, I do wish he'd try other things but I think it's too hard for him to listen then sort out what was said and try to respond.
The treat and Bingo went well in fact the whole day went well. When I left he was watching the Twins play and he does enjoy watching them but I think if they were not doing as well as they are he may not be interested. I am not a baseball fan but if I can get him interested in them it will give him something to look forward to.
A good day and now good night..........Fran
sounds like a good day. The Twins had a nice long game yesterday, 12 or 13 innings, I think.