Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Jan left for home this morning after breakfast.
Harlan and I went to McD for coffee and cookies then back to the VA for Bingo, he played well. After the Bingo games we went to Perkins for supper. He commented about the lunch he had and tried to describe what he had had for lunch. He said his lunch was the worst he had ever had.
Harlan, "It was long like beans."
Fran, "Was it spaghetti?"
Harlan, "No."
Fran, "What color was it?"
Harlan, "Kind of yellowish brown."
I could not figure out what he had, I checked the menu and found out it was french fries.
When we got back his room was cool so I turned on the heat and told him he needed to cover up with his blanket not sleep on top of it. He told me he would keep his jacket on to stay warm. I told him his jacket was not a blanket and he should take the jacket off and cover with the blanket, he then pulled the collar of his jacket up over his mouth and talked into it, "Are you a blanket or a jacket?" and in a deep voice he replied "I am a blanket!" It broke me up, he can be so funny at times.
Today was good day, I enjoyed my time with him.........Fran


  1. that's hilarious about the french fries. Maybe it's just a bad day for fries because I thought he liked them.
    He is super funny, I think that's what attracted both of us to 'our' man.

  2. He does like French fries but you have to remember they are prepared in the kitchen down stairs and by the time they are put on the plates and covered to stay warm the steam is also kept in and they may be warm but very soggy and he likes his FF hot and crisp.
