Monday, November 29, 2010

Hello From Rockville
I missed Sunday blogging because of a trip to St. Paul.
Sunday Sue and I took Harlan to church.  I took him in jeans as I didn't have dress pants with for him and I feel he felt that was not the right thing for him to wear, but it was okay.
After church we went to Grizzleys for lunch then back to the VA to watch the Vikings win one finally. After the game we took a little rest and about five Sue picked me up and we headed down to St. Paul and Jenny's for the night.  I had the fun of bedding down with great granddaughter Izzy, she is three and sleeps where ever she wants to in her queen sized bed, I really did get a good night's sleep as the bed was big enough for both of us.
Sue took me over to spend time with Doris and Bob and she went back to Jenny's to get her hair cut.  Bob Doris and I went to Perkins for breakfast, we ate, drank coffee and visited.  I really enjoyed my time with them.  Sue picked me up and we headed back to St. Cloud in rain, it rained all the way.
When we got to the VA we took Harlan out for a treat and I wanted Sue to see the Park Diner so that's where we had our treat, both Sue and I had lunch and Harlan had a hot fudge sundae.
Sue leaves tomorrow, we had fun together and I'll miss her.
Until next time - Good Night.......Fran


  1. If you got to sleep with Izzy who did Sue sleep with?

  2. By herself, I was the lucky one and I loved it!
