Here comes a long week-end, Memorial Day, a time to remember all our Service Men and Woman, those gone that have given us freedom and those on duty to keep us free, I thank you all.
It has been several days since I have written. There hasn't been anything to write about. I take Harlan out daily to give him a break from the VA and he enjoys this time away.
Memorial Day weekend marks three years since he has lived here and there have been many crises and decisions that have made, may hills and valleys to cross and most have not been easy. My God and my family have been through the hard times with me with and without them I don't know what I would have done. May tears have been shed and many hugs have gotten me through. I know many of you have prayed for us and I thank you for that.
I have many surprises when I go into see him, I don't know who will greet me with something new. I may find his glasses on the floor or maybe his hearing aids or even his teeth and sometimes they are lost for several days and even turn up in another room. He used to call me often day or night, he didn't know what time it was he just wanted to hear my voice, he is no longer able to do this. I used to call him to remind him of his meal time but it doesn't make sense to him when I call and tell him to take his "bib" and go eat. He has problems trying to watch TV, I don't think he has it on much. When he came to the VA bath time was fun for him with the whirl pool etc. but now it is a chore to get him to take a bath. When I take him out some times the seat belt gives him a hard time, he has no idea how to use it and some times he can buckle it himself with no problem, he feels bad when he can't do it himself.
This fall will make sixty years marriage with many ups and downs and I have found that life is very precious and each day I spend with Harlan is a treasure and a blessing. Just remember to keep us in your prayers, God always hears his Children.
I have reminisced long enough so until another day good night...Fran
nice blog. Thanks for keeping them going.