Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hello From Rockville
In just one week so much has happened.  About this time last Saturday (10:30PM) I received the phone call from the VA that Harlan had fallen and Sunday morning I went with him for x-rays which determined the seriousness of his fall, a broken hip, and early Tuesday morning he was gone, I did not get to say "Good-Bye" as no one else in our family was able to either he just quietly went home.  Becky had planned to be here on Tuesday to see her Dad and Sue came home on Wednesday, her plans were to see him too, God had other plans, plans to take him away from all his pain and his struggle to breath.  
The next several days were busy making plans to celebrate his life and with the help of Denese, Rick, Sue and Becky we put together a beautiful "story."  We had his burial in Minneapolis with a chapel service which Harold did with Paul singing Amazing Grace and the congregation sang Jesus Loves Me.  Harold gave a great message explaining the message of salvation and Sarah and Wes (both in uniform) unfolded the flag and draped his coffin with it.  At the grave side Harlan was honored with the Honor Guard giving him their respects with the 21 gun salute and taps.  The flag was folded and Sarah in uniform handed me the flag.  Before handing me the flag she saluted the casket.  The whole service was so touching.  
We then proceeded to Jenny's for a wonderful lunch which gave me a time to visit with so many friends that came.  It was a very touching day, a day that I will long remember.
Today was his memorial service at Granite City Baptist Church, another day that I will remember.  Pastor Campbell was the speaker of the day with Denese and Sue doing Harlan's obituary and reminiscing over things he had done with the Kids when they were young and Kristen with no accompaniment sang Amazing Grace (yes, we did it both days) it was beautiful.  Pastor Campbell also delivered a message on salvation.  We then proceeded to the Fireside room for another great lunch.    
There were so many people at both services, many more then I had ever dreamed would be there and they all touched me in so many ways.  
My next "job" will be to acknowledge everyone with a note of Thanks, this should keep me busy and out of "mischief" for a while. 
My life will change as it does when there is a void that has to be filled (every afternoon was occupied with a trip to the VA and about two and a half hours with Harlan going out for a daily treat, laying down with him and TV time together, Jeopardy and Millionaire,  I will miss him and that!
I most likely will not do a lot of Blog writing as my reason for writing was to put my feeling on paper, I love you all for reading this and I know many of you prayed for me in some of our difficult times, please don't stop I still need prayers.........Fran

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