Thursday, September 15, 2011

Frost On The Pumpkin

Hello From Rockville 
Last night we had a freeze with temps in the high 20's, I did some covering of plants so I saved some flowers, tonight will be another cool night but not as cold as last night, I didn't do any covering so hope I still have unfrozen plant tomorrow.
I have made several phone calls to my bank and also made some trips in to get Harlan's name removed from accounts like checking etc. why does things have to be so complicated?
Tuesday I went in to St. Cloud early to do some shopping before I helped with reading at school, then met Sarah for lunch.  She had large blankets to wash and my washer does such a good job, so after lunch we headed to Rockville to do laundry and while the blankets were washing and drying we had a good time chatting also went to Cold Spring and picked up a few grocery bargains.  I hadn't spent much time with her so that was a really fun day.
Wednesday I got a perm and will be set for the trip Sue and I have planned, I so look forward to her coming.
Today was our board meeting followed by our Social-Pot-Luck.  I brought a 7 (actually it's 14 layers) jello salad and everyone really enjoyed and I may make it for our Christmas Social, today's was in fall colors, lime, orange, lemon and some red flavors, Christmas will have to be red and green, not hard to make but very time consuming. 
Tomorrow should be quiet, I have no plans to go anywhere...........Fran

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