Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It was a cool day

Hello From Rockville
I woke up to a very cool day and it was that way all day.  I needed to gas up the van but chose not to as I didn't wear a coat will have to do that tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be the Memorial at the VA and that may be hard for me but I am looking forward to going as that will be my final "Good Bye."
I did my "job" listening to the children read this morning, they are such a joy, then I picked up my wedding ring.  It broke a short time after Harlan passed away and it's so good to have it back on my finger, I am just not ready to remove it and I don't think I'll ever be able to.  
I was going to do a little grocery shopping but forgot my coupons at home so it will give me something to do tomorrow afternoon.
I had a nice surprise today, while watching TV my cell phone rang with DeeAnn at the other end, "Where are you? Are you home?"  Me, "Yes."  "We are in your driveway, can we come in?"  If someone wants to visit me I never turn them away, Linda was with her they came in we had a little chat and lots of laughs, she wanted to show Linda where I live, good seeing both of them. 
I see my blog writing has really slowed down just not a lot to write about, I'll let you know how tomorrow goes............Fran

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