Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hello From Rockville
This morning was wash day and I also helped Mel and Bill with shrub trimming and clean-up. The entrance to our place looks so much better with the trimming done.
Harold and Marilyn invited me for noon dinner today, we had roast beef with potatoes and carrots, it was so good, I don't do a roast just for me, it was a treat and to top everything off they sent some roast home with me for a sandwich later.
I went in to spend time with Harlan, I stopped at McD's and brought coffee with me. He went down to the community room and played BINGO and did a great job without my help. Jan S. (neighbor in Crystal) grandson's wife works at The VA she was in charge of the Bingo today and does a great job, so many of the residents have a difficult hearing but you could hear her. After the bingo we went to Perkins for coffee and pie, Harlan tried one of their specialty coffees, he was disappointed so we won't do that again.
Where does the time go, it's bed time so Good Night until tomorrow........Fran

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