Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hello From Rockville
Today my cleaning lady sparkled up my place and it needed it, she does such a nice job.
Went into see Harlan and we went grocery shopping. We are having a church picnic on Sat. the Fourth and each one is to bring a dish to share and meat for the grill. We decided a brat would be good, I'll precook them and just heat them up. I picked up potatoes etc. to make potato salad, hope it tastes good because I want it gone, don't want to bring much back.
I take Harlan's clothes home to wash so today I brought him a clean supply, he was running out. I also brought him a bed side digital clock, I bought a battery operated one from Walmart which is very hard to read, that will go back.
We again "hit" McDonalds for coffee but today we added apple pie, a nice treat with coffee.
I see I have a new follower on my blog, plsa0501. Would you leave a comment and let me know who you are? Thanks, Fran

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