Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Today was gas-up day for the van. Harlan likes to get out and he likes to help me when ever he can, he pumped the gas and I went in and paid also bought a ticket to wash the van so when I'm not sure of the color I'll get it washed. I'll do that some day on the way home as if I washed it on the way to see Harlan it'd be dirty before I ever got to the VA. If I wash it on the way home and park it in the garage it may stay clean for about 20 hours.
Today a gentleman up the hall from me came back to see if he could do some more snow shoveling on my patio but the snow is packed and nearly as hard as ice, he moved some of it and when I got home this afternoon I moved a little more of it, if I had to get out it would be nice if the snow was gone at least to make a path in case of an emergency.
After we filled the van we then stopped at Cashwise for a few groceries then out to Perkins for our afternoon treat. I'm bringing a tossed salad for our pot-luck social on Thursday, Larry is making spaghetti for everyone here and we just have to fill in the rest.
Today was a good day, each day is special and each day is a blessing when I can spend it with Harlan.........Fran

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