Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Today was a really fun day. I made plans to get to the VA by a bit after 11:00 AM, as today was our valentine's dinner and I had bought a red shirt for Harlan to wear with a gray sweater with a lot of color in it including red. I got to the VA and there was not a spot to park in near his building nor in the next parking lot so over to the next parking area and my time was depleting quickly as we were to be seated by 11:30 and by now it was well after 11:00 and I wanted to change his clothes. As I approached the elevator the door opened and there was Harlan in a wheel chair with an escort to take him to the dinner, I had to make my mind work quickly, there was a ladies wash room around the corner and it was only big enough for one person, I told the escort I would take him in there to change his clothes and I would then take him to dinner. When we got into the bathroom Harlan in a high pitched voice says, "I'm a lady today," then we both laughed. He got his clothes changed then we took off to the auditorium for our dinner, as we take off several of the VA staff came up to us and offered to push Harlan for me, an offer I took them up on.
We got to the auditorium in plenty of time and on the table we were seated at had a red rose for each lady and one in a vase in center with cut out shinny hearts sprinkled around the vase. I also had Valentine card waiting for me. The card was very special because Harlan had signed it, wow! We had a great dinner staring with a fruit salad, main course was turkey, dressing, peas and a roll with butter, this was topped off with cheese cake, I chose chocolate/chocolate. We also had coffee, water and punch all served to us at our table. We had our pictures taken and were each given copies when we left, I put Harlan's up on his bulletin board.
I left the VA at 5 as we had our pot-luck social here this evening with more good food, a full day of eating and I really ate way too much and I'm stuffed!!!
Today was great day, I had so much fun with Harlan and I think he enjoyed him self too..........Fran

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you both. It surely was a wonderful, full day.
