Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hello From Rockville
The fourth Thursday of the month is redecorating day down in our community room, we changed some of the fall stuff and put up some Halloween stuff. I left b4 that was done as I had promised to help count coupons at church, Box Tops for Education, Campbell's labels and Cash Wise/Coborn's Food Club coupons, we'll send them in at the end of the year.
Today we continued with Harlan's 83rd birthday. He had not eaten lunch, I ordered a meal of sliders at the Park Diner this included 2 sliders and potatoes, just in case you don't know what sliders are they are small hamburgers similar to white Castle burgers in size and shape. We each had a slider and potato bites, a seasoned potato that is deep fried, they were good and we split his malt, we were full when we left.
I still have a coupon to go to the Pizza Ranch, it's a $5.00 coupon for Harlan for his birthday, we'll do that next week.
Today was a good day, great weather and I had a good time with Harlan..........Fran

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