Today was Harlan's 83rd birthday, he started his birthday celebration yesterday with a visit from his sister Shirley. I brought in a stack of cards that I got in the mail and he had fun looking them over and kept commenting I have never gotten so many cards, he did enjoy them.
I took him to lunch, we went to the Park Diner because he would get a birthday malt/shake with his meal. Well, that did not work out as we were both too full from lunch to even think of attacking a malt. Our waitress said we could come back later or tomorrow and have it, we'll try for tomorrow.
After our lunch we went to Fleet Farm to fill and wash the van. While we were wiping it down Harlan commented, "What do you expect from an 83 year old man." This is the first time he has given his age correctly since his hospital stay, he has always insisted he is over 100 and I was not able to convince him otherwise. When we got back to the VA he was even able to quote my age correctly, the mind is strange and what he can recall, tomorrow will be different.
Today was great......Fran
Those are really special moments. 83