Monday, October 4, 2010

Hello From Rockville
Are we having nice weather or what? It's going to be even nicer then today, I love it.
I spent the afternoon with Harlan but first this is Monday and Mary and I met for our Bible study. When I talked to Harlan I told him I had a lot of shopping to do and several places to go and asked him if he wanted to go along and he always wants to get out so we got "on the road" just before 2:00. First stop the bank, you gota have money to shop. Next stop the grocery store, I had gotten a rain check from Coborns about a month ago for lean hamburger, the month was up today and if I wanted it today was it. When you're in the store you always see things you need, at least I do, from there to Bed Bath and Beyond, I had a coupon for 15% off of one item, today was the day to use or throw it, I needed a potato peeler and found one there. After all those stops it was treat time and we went to Perkins, Harlan had a breakfast and hot chocolate and I had coffee and a GIANT chocolate chip cookie, oh so good. After the four stops we went back to the VA, Harlan wanted to know where else we were going as he wanted to go more, two hours of running around was enough for me.
It was a good day, I enjoyed my time with Harlan.......Fran

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad he had a good time helping with errands. His breathing must be better.
