Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hello From Rockville
It's Sunday, I missed writing Saturday as I was tired when I got home.
I took Harlan to play bingo, he played well but didn't win and bingo was followed with a treat at Culver's, a one scoop sundae. We went back to the VA and after meds and his neb it was five and I left.
I met Denese at Crossroads Mall to do some shopping. I needed a pair of black dress shoes, no heels, as my one pair of dress flats were falling apart and instead of one pair I walked out with two. After shoe shopping we just walked around and looked at stuff then stopped at cj banks, Becky had given me a gift card from there over a year ago and I finally had some one to go with me as I tried on clothes for an opinion on how things fit, I walked out of there with some neat things.
Today I took Harlan to church and when we were heading back to the VA he told me "I am not going to change clothes to go out to eat!" I did get him to take off his tie and we talked him into wearing a pull over sweater instead of his sport coat then we went to the China Star Buffet for lunch and he did very well with no spills. When we got back to the VA we took naps as there was nothing on TV he wanted to watch and when I was ready to leave he decided to take off his dress pants and he put jeans on, a good move on his part. I think I'll try and find some dress jeans in colors other then blue jean color and have him wear them to church as he wears all his clothes from bath day to bath day including his shoes and dress slacks just can't take that wear and tear and look okay. His clothes are changed when he has a bath which is Tuesday and Friday and I totally change him on Sunday.
We had a good time today is spite of our differences on clothes and dressing...........Fran

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