It has been a long time since I have written, with no daily trips into St. Cloud to spend time at the VA I don't have a lot to write about, right now when I went on to write I had a difficult time getting on.
My weeks are much quieter, I spend Tuesdays as a "Reading Coach" at Granite City Academy at that time between helping children I work on "coupons" - Campbell's labels, Box Tops for Education, Kemp's and Land-O-Lakes bottle caps and several other things which goes to getting equipment for school. I spend about two and a half hours at school then I do some shopping and finish the day off by treating myself to lunch. I find this very rewarding and the children are so sweet.
Every other Wednesday I have my place cleaned - vacuumed, dusted, floors scrubbed, and what ever is needed, Wednesday is my laundry day too so I have clean clothes and a clean home such a good feeling.
I have been "working" on puzzles sometimes in my apartment (less then 500 pieces) and sometimes in the community room (over 500 pieces) as we wander through just for a hall walk, to the garbage or to get the mail we put in a few pieces and chit chat.
One evening a month we have a pot-luck also we have a monthly Birthday social. Every Wednesday afternoon and Sunday evening is 500 if enough show up to play we have also talked about doing a game day/night.
The other day I stopped at Walgreen's and got a Shingles shot as a preventative and this is suppose to be a life time thing sure hope it works, I know too many people my age that had an awful time with them lasting so long.
This winter has been so mild, my monthly heating bill has been well under $20.00, I can't complain, I love it.
Denese is still with me, I love her company.
I'll try and write again but as you can see my life is mundane even a bit boring but as I see it Life is Good! Everyone take care............Fran
thanks for writing. I still check every so often.