Hello From Rockville
Today was a fun and busy day. I was in St. Cloud at Applebees by 11:15 to meet Myrna, Marianne and Sue, we celebrated Marianne's and my birthday (mine a little early). The staff at Applebees sang us a Happy Birthday song and gave us a dessert, we shared the dessert! I left in time to get to Cold Spring by 12:15 to meet Mark and Betty for lunch at The Red River Inn. After lunch it was on to the Dr. for a follow-up on my Sunday trip to the ER. Everything is going okay. Mark, Betty and I came back here to enjoy a cup of coffee and apple crisp before heading to the VA to spend time with Harlan. We took Harlan to Perkins and had various things to drink and shared onion rings then they left for home and we went back to the VA. Because of the change in the day with Harlan (we got there around 4) he is having a hard time this evening. He told me he didn't know where to "Park his Carcass" I told him to just lay down and rest as his breathing is labored, a bad time of the year for him and he said his feet were cold. if he gets his feet off of the floor it should help.
Tomorrow Sue flies in to St. Cloud and between me, Sarah and DeeAnn we'll get her picked up from the airport. We'll have a good time while she's here, she leaves Sunday and we have lots to pack in while she's here.
Good Night...Fran
Me and Sarah will pick up Sue and then meet you for lunch. Sounds great to me!