Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello From Rockville
I started my blog and some how lost it. Here it goes again.
Today my cleaning Lady shaped up my place and I washed clothes, two jobs that needed to be done.
I went to see Harlan and when we got there we were told someone had brought birthday cake and ice cream, strawberry and vanilla and because September birthdays were being celebrated we had cake and ice cream, very good cake. I think there were 5 or 6 men with September birthdays, Harlan seemed to enjoy the birthday time. Each birthday person got 4 quarters ($1.00) which he promptly put in his coin purse. Even with the cake and ice cream he wanted to get away, we took a trip to Perkins and had a serving of onion rings. We decided we would not have them again. Harlan had hot chocolate, he likes that better then Perkins coffee and me, I had decaf. We had a good time together and I think the antidepressant has started to help, he has taken it since Sunday, he seemed more energetic. I was told not to get my hopes up too much as it may not help at all, but I am hopeful.
When I called him this evening he was doing his neb, last night he would not do anything they asked him to do and he wouldn't listen to me either.
I look forward to our time together tomorrow, until then Good Night..........Fran

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