Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello From Rockville
Today when I went in to see Harlan he was tired and didn't ask to do anything, we spent the time together in his room. We laid down and rested and he complained of having some difficulty with breathing. He had some neb medicine in his machine, we turned it on, the mask wasn't working and I reported that. Ruth came in and monkeyed with it and it seemed to work until she left then it quit so she tried again, no luck and she left to get another mask. I took it apart and got it to work, when she got back because it was working she decided not to give him a new one, I think she should have but then I'm not in charge. Harlan does not understand how important it is to take his breathing machine, it's not an instant help so he doesn't see the importance of it along with the other meds he takes, he almost always gives the meds nurse a hard time when they come around and some of them try to humor him, sometimes it works and some times it doesn't.
Today when I left him I went and did a little shopping, the fabric store, Walmart and the grocery store. He likes to go with me as he feels he helps me by pushing the cart but at times I know it's not that he wants to shop he just like go so he can be with me and get away from the VA. Almost every afternoon when I leave he asks if he can go home with me. It seems to help that he has his supper to go and when he gets back from supper he watches Wheel of Fortune.
When they get his new antidepressant medication going in the correct amount I hope to see some changes, changes that are positive.
Tomorrow should be better, until then - Good Night. Fran

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